The first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens at home – both positive and negative – provides lessons for life. In the family, faith is shared as part of the unfolding of daily life. The home or “domestic church” provides a real place in which a child learns to live his or her faith as well as understanding it.
Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of the events of Church life. It embraces all ages and generation, promotes faith growth at home and promotes participation in Church life.
Election Prayers: Jump to a Section Elections are stressful. It doesn’t matter if you’re running for office, simply paying attention to an election, or trying to avoid getting swept up in the sea of...
Jump to any section: Spiritual warfare recognizes that the devil is real, evil exists, and each day, these forces attempt to drive us towards living lives of sin. It exists both in the dramatic...
St. Gertrude, also known as St. Gertrude the Great, was a 13th-century German nun of the Benedictine order who belonged to the famous Monastery of Helfsta. Few details of Gertrude’s early life are...